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Most of the time mould and moisture are frequent problems that many homeowners deal with. These problems can range from structural damage to health problems including allergies and respiratory disorders. To properly stop damp on walls and halt mould growth, it is essential to understand the underlying causes of these problems. There are several ways that moisture can get into your house, such as rising dampness, condensation, and leaks. If you don’t take the right action, these problems might get worse over time and endanger the safety of your family as well as the integrity of your house.

Stop Damp & Mould on walls

Keeping a safe and healthy living environment requires taking appropriate action against these problems. We’ll look at seven tried-and-true methods in this blog to keep your walls dry and mould-free. We will cover complete ways to assist you stop damp and mould on walls, from sealing leaks and employing mould-resistant goods to enhancing ventilation and using dehumidifiers. Your home won’t get mould if you abide by these rules.

  1. Enhance Air Circulation

Improving ventilation in your house is one of the best ways to put a stop to wall damps. Poor air circulation may lead to moisture build up thus becoming better breeding grounds for fungi. To enhance airflow, make sure that your windows open properly while using exhaust fans in places like washrooms and kitchens that are prone to humidity. In addition, having trickle vents on windows ensures a steady inflow of fresh air without needing to fully open them.

  1. Dehumidifiers

To stop damp from walls, use dehumidifiers that reduce indoor humidity levels effectively. They work by extracting excess moisture from the atmosphere hence making it difficult for fungi to flourish there. Put dehumidifiers in rooms with high humidity such as basements bathrooms or kitchens; thereafter, regularly ensure you empty and clean them so they can function effectively otherwise purchase a dehumidifier with a larger capacity if you want it used for large spaces.

  1. Sealing Leaks and Cracks

Water leakage through cracks could be a significant source of dampness leading to moulds on walls. Examine your house keenly looking out for any signs indicating leakages either on roofs, walls, or foundation slabs while carefully checking around doors, windows, or pipes areas are also critical points. Once identified; seal these holes using waterproof sealant or caulk depending on what suits the material being sealed off (windows), doors). This will help stop damp and prevent mould growth. For example, consider checking areas like electrical outlets and behind appliances among others are often overlooked sources of moisture.

  1. Insulate Your Home

Good insulation not only helps in maintaining comfortable room temperature but also aids in preventing damps and moulds. Insulating your walls, attic, and floors can reduce the likelihood of condensation forming on cold surfaces. Use moisture-resistant insulations to further enhance your home’s ability to stop damp on walls. This is especially necessary for older homes that may lack sufficient insulation. Additionally, basements or crawl spaces would require foam insulation which is also a moisture barrier.

Your gutters and downspouts should not be filled with dirt. When they become clogged, water overflows into your house walls leading to wetness that creates a good environment for moulds. Therefore, it is advisable to clean them regularly while ensuring that there is no clogging of any kind. Also, ensure that the water falling off from the roof does not fall near the wall of your house or on the paved footpaths around it. Gutter guards can also assist in preventing blockages as well as reducing maintenance activities needed to be done on them regularly and extending downspouts away from your home will carry water further.

  1. Use Mould-Resistant Products

Mould-resistant building materials such as mould-resistant drywall, paint, and insulation are recommended during renovation or construction. These products are made with special additives that stop mould on walls by inhibiting its growth. Moreover, there are paints like those resistant to mildew which do not absorb any moisture hence protecting it against fungi attack. Thus, installing such items on your premises can lower the risk of having issues related to mold inside houses. Additionally, this may also include using mould-resistant joint compound and tile backer boards in bathrooms and other areas with high levels of humidity.

  1. Address Rising Damp

Rising damp refers to moisture rising through your home’s walls from ground level or below it due to capillary action across a network of osmotic pores within masonry,capillaritywicking, and other porous materials so most commonly found within cellular concrete type materials used extensively both aboveground(basements)and belowground(foundation)in modern residential commercial building construction.

Covering all the ways

Mostly found in older buildings that lack a proper damp proof course (DPC). Make sure this doesn’t occur by making sure you have functioning DPCs if ever you notice dampness caused by rising dampness within your homes; otherwise, put them in place. Also, see to it that the ground outside is lower than the floor inside to keep water out of the walls. Therefore, there is a need for installing a French drain which can be constructed around the perimeter of your home to help prevent groundwater from getting close and damaging your foundation.


There are several strategies you can use to prevent moulds from appearing on your walls: adequate ventilation, controlling moisture levels in homes as well as conducting necessary maintenance activities. Dampness and mould can destroy homes within a very short time if not well managed; thus knowledge about how to get rid of and prevent it should be implemented by homeowners. In case you are experiencing any recurring mould-related problems or need some professional help, think about engaging AWC Coating. AWC Coating offers a variety of solutions aimed at waterproofing dwellings and preventing the development of dampness-causing moulds. Their highly skilled team will guide you towards having a healthy life free of fungi. Do not let this problem worsen; contact AWC Coating today since they are only one call away from getting a dry, safe, comfortable life again.