Why you should use resin-based wall coatings


Walk past almost any property, and you will see the early warning signs of deteriorating exterior walls – blemishes, fractures, and cracks. Over time, these initially innocuous looking crevices can very easily grow into serious structural defects – the kind that will allow your home to be overrun by damp.

Instead of dismissing these inconspicuous flaws as nothing to worry about, they should on the contrary, be a priority of yours to fix. Although this issue is something that needs addressing quickly, it does not mean that a stopgap solution is a satisfactory one. Our resin-based coating service will resolve your exterior wall problem in a matter of days and will keep the reappearance of damage at bay for a minimum of 25 years – guaranteed!  To walk you through this process, and to explain why it is far more effective than the alternatives, we have put together this explanatory blog post.


Why standard masonry paint doesn’t offer enough protection

Unfortunately, typical exterior wall masonry paint simply isn’t hardy enough to protect your exterior walls from damage from the weather for anywhere near an extended period of time. And, given that a home is the longest-term investment you are likely to ever own, it is important that it is properly maintained over time. Composed of little more than the bare essentials required to give your home a decorative finish, standard masonry paint is ill-equipped to protect your home.


Why are resin based wall coatings better than standard masonry paint?

Generally-speaking, wall coatings are many times thicker than typical masonry paint. Because of this increased fortification, they are better adapted to resist buffeting wind and rain. Similarly, because they are designed for longevity as well as ornamental purposes, they are imbued with a number of chemicals that help to dramatically improve their durability. From the infusion of silicon, which enhances wall coatings’ water resistant properties to pliolite technology that speeds up wall coatings’ adhesion to the surface it is binding to. A strong level of adhesion is particularly useful in the volatile British weather.


What difference does resin make to wall coatings?

The presence of resin differentiates resin-based wall coatings from standard wall coatings – but how does this difference separate the two in practical terms?

Resin helps to glue together all of the component parts of an exterior wall coating – leading to a stronger and more durable product. Given that cement, silicone water repellents and minerals (amongst other materials) all go into a wall coating, it is fair to say that the uniting presence of the resin is extremely important.

If you are considering outfitting your home with resin-based wall coatings, there is no better partner to have on your side than All Weather Coating. Our resin-based coating service has been refined and perfected over our many, many years of operation in London and the Home Counties and we would be delighted to help you update your home.  

You can arrange a site visit at your convenience by contacting us by email, phone or through the resin based products.

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